So, I've spent the last two weeks trying to keep stuff at home a little more stable. Between working 3rd shift, having crazy things happening left and right, a full load of graduate classes to deal with, more specifically their homework, finding time to dye yarn has been troublesome. I haven't in fact dyed any more yarn, except the yarn that I had an order for. I have at least 12 skeins to dye currently, but the 12 skeins I've posted are not selling! I need to get my butt in gear with advertising.
I priced some advertising with some of the knit and crochet magazines. I swear those things are highway robbery! It's anywhere from $3,000-$10,000 to put an advertisement in their magazines. I did however find out that one of my favorite magazines has a deal for a small add space for only $200. Which is pretty affordable. There in lies the problem. I have to actually sell yarn in order to afford the advertising. Currently I am having issues. I think I might just go out with a huge stack of my business cards and start asking businesses if I can post them. Does anyone else have suggestions? I need really inexpensive advertising for now!
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