Friday, September 24, 2010

First trade show?

Let's be honest I have been a bad blogger! The trade show two weeks ago was a blast, it was wonderful to see what everyone had! However, we almost got washed away by all the rain. that said it was fun. But sales were down! only sold 3 skeins of yarn and a card. had lots of people look and take business cards though, and that was encouraging for my first show.

I did, however, get some great feedback from people! My colors were a hit and ironically my target market were the most enthusiastic about the yarns, and the older ladies I encountered liked the yarn but I think weren't too thrilled with the colors. Sold a beautiful skein of Pumpkin spice yarn. Kestrel was really sad to see that one go, she had been coveting it all week.

That said in order to move some stock I had some after purchases made by my lovely sister and my yarn advocate Nevada, seen in a previous post piled in mounds of my yarn! she purchased two of my favorite sock colorways, which never had a chance of hitting the Etsy store.

Grape Slushy Superwash Sock yarn

Plum Pudding Superwash sock yarn.

All in all I ended the weekend with about 50 business cards out, lots of input and learning experiences for my next trade show, 10 skeins of yarn lighter and some money to invest in a better knitty knotty and some of the new dyeable roving on Knit picks! Yum!

My website has new pictures Check out the Crayon cupcake yarn. it's a sportweight superwash, wonderful for a baby set and there are two available. I also figured out that as I've gotten better my time has decreased and so have the prices. Keep your eyes open for my first seasonal sale for the Christmas season! Ugh! I know it's almost that time again!